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References and further reading on Dasypeltis: Alexander, G. and Marais, J. (2007): A Guide to the Reptiles of Southern Africa - Struik Publishers, Cape Town, 408pp Anderson, J. (1898): Zoology of Egypt. Volume first. Reptilia and batrachia - London (Bernard Quaritch) London, lxv + 371 pp. Auerbach, R. D. (1987): The Amphibians and Reptiles of Botswana - Mokwepa Consultants (Pty) Ltd, Gaborone, 297 pp. Arnold, S. A. (1983): Morphology, Performance and Fitness - Amer. Zool. 23, 347-361pp Axmann, M. (1998): Bericht zum Artikel über die Haltung der Eierschlange Dasypeltis atra - Reptilia, 3 (4): 14-15 Aymerich, M., Borof-Aymerich & Ph. Geniez (2004): Neufunde der seltenen Weißbäuchigen Sandrasselotter Echis leucogaster ROMAN, 1972 in Marokko (Serpentes: Viperidae) - HERPETOZOOA 16 (3-4): 157-162 pp. Backhaus, D. (1984): Ach, du dickes Ei! - Das Tier, Stuttgart, 3: 22-23 Baha El Din, S. M. (2006): A Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of Egypt - Amer. Univ. Cairo Press, Cairo, 320 S. 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